FAQ & Help

Frequently Asked Questions & Help

How do I track the delivery status of my package?

You would be able to check the delivery updates through emails from us.

Can I exchange or return items?

We would be happy to exchange unopened items with the product seals intact. However due to hygiene reasons we regret that we would not be able to do any exchanges for items which have already been opened or had their product seals removed.

Do you offer free shipping?

We offer Complimentary Delivery Service for orders that are S$70 and above. Please refer to the conditions on our Shipping information page. 

I am living in Singapore. How long does it take in delivery?

We strive to despatch out your orders within 2 to 3 business days from the date of order.

Do you support international shipping?

Unfortunately we are not able to ship out of Singapore.

Can I pick up my items instead of delivery?

  • Self collection is available at our office on Mondays to Fridays (2pm to 5pm). Please contact us at info@the-natural-lab.com to arrange for the self collection so that we can prepare your order beforehand.

It has been more than 2 working days and I have not heard any updates. Whom should I contact?

Oopsies!  Please contact thenaturallab.sg@gmail.com with your name and order number.

What do I do if I had an allergic reaction?

We are so sorry to hear this!

If you’ve experienced an allergic reaction or if irritation occurs after the use of one of our products, please discontinue use and get in touch with us at  thenaturallab.sg@gmail.com 

Your input will help us communicate to the brand involved. Do include the following information in your message to us:

  • Your order number;
  • The full name of the product that caused an allergic reaction or irritation; and
  • A detailed description of the symptoms experienced
  • Photos of the product; and
  • Photos of the affected area

We pride ourselves to have selected brands producing natural and organic products which are free from hash chemicals. However, different skin types and conditions may react differently to a particular product due to the ingredients. May we suggest reviewing the listed ingredients of products to help you identify any sensitivities or do a patch test before using any new product for the first time.

I have questions and feedback!

Please email us at  thenaturallab.sg@gmail.com or message us on our social media platforms on IG or FB. We would be most happy to assist you with your queries.

Replies after working hours and during weekend & public holidays will be slower.

What should I do if there is a missing item from my order or a wrong item from my order?

Our sincere apologies!  Please contact us immediately or within 7 calendar days upon receiving your order (according to the date of signed successful proof of delivery) with a clear image/video of the items received wrongly or the contents of your order with the missing item, the exterior packaging and relevant order number at thenaturallab.sg@gmail.com so that we can get to you the correct of missing items ASAP!